
Roll the dice when you play the Las Vegas favourite, Craps.

    Craps - How To Play

    Craps is played with two dice, which are rolled simultaneously.

    Place bets on what you think the total sum of the dice roll will be.

    There a several betting options available - read on for more information about them.

    The Pass Line

    This is one of the most popular bets in this game.

    You can place a pass line bet at the start of each game or prior to the 'come out' roll.

    Select the pass line to make the bet, add the amount you wish to wager, and then hit 'roll' to roll the dice.

    • This will result in one of the following outcomes:
    • Your bets will be paid out at even money if a seven or 11 is rolled
    • The bet will be a loser if you roll 'Craps', which is a two, three or 12
    • If any other number comes up on the roll (four, five, six, eight, nine or 10), that number becomes the 'point' and the game is classed as 'on'. The 'point' is then indicated by the dealer placing the 'on' token on a number-box.

    To win your bet from the above scenario, the dice must roll the point again and a seven must then be rolled - this will pay out at even money.

    You will lose the bet if you roll a seven prior to the point being rolled again.

    As long as you roll any number other than seven or the point, the bet is still 'in play' on the table, so the dice can be re-rolled.

    This continues until your bet has been resolved. When this happens, the game will turn 'off' and the point will reset before a new Come Out roll is rolled.

    The Don't Pass Line

    This bet is the opposite of a pass line bet - it can only be placed when the 'Don't Pass Bar' game is off.

    • If a two or a three is rolled, you will receive an even money payout
    • If a seven or 11 is rolled, you will lose
    • If a 12 is rolled, the game will end in a 'push' and your stake will be returned
    • If any other number is rolled, the game will be declared a 'push' and the game become 'on'

    Should the above occur, in order for you to win, the dice must roll the point again before a seven is rolled. Doing so will see you paid out even money.

    You will lose if you roll a seven before the point is rolled again.

    If you roll any number other than seven or the point, the bet will remain 'in play' on the table. The dice will then be re-rolled.

    When the bet is resolved, this stops and the bet will turn 'off'. The point will then reset before you roll a new Come Out roll.

    The Come Bet

    This bet is similar to the Pass Line bet - the main difference being you are only able to place the 'come' bet when the game is on.

    Do this by placing your chips in the area entitled 'Come'.

    If your next roll is a seven or 11, you will be paid out at even money.

    If you roll Craps (two, three or 12), the bet is settled as a loss.

    If any other number is rolled, that number becomes the 'come point'. This results in the come bet being taken from the 'come' area to the box corresponding to the come point.

    If you roll the come point prior to a seven, you will win an even money payout.

    If you roll a seven before the come point, you will lose.

    The Don't Come Bet

    This bet is similar to the Don't Pass Line Bet, but you can only place this bet when the game is 'on.'

    Click on the 'Don't Come Bar' to place a bet - you will trigger an even money payout if the next roll is a two or three.

    Rolling a seven or 11 will cause you to lose; rolling a 12 will result in a 'push' game.

    If you roll any other number, that number will become the 'Don't Come Point' - the don't come bet will then move from the 'Don't Come Bar' to the box corresponding to the don't come point.

    If you roll a seven before the don't come point triggers, you will receive an even money payout.

    Your bet will lose if the don't come point is rolled before a seven.

    Odds Bets

    Odds bets are an extension of the pass, don't pass, come, and don't come bets that you can make once the point for that bet has been established. 

    Odds bets win and lose with their associated bet, and are paid at true odds.

    Odd bets can be moved after any roll, which is different to the original pass, don't pass, come and don't come bets.

    If you hit Max Odds, your bets will be maximised.

    The descriptions of every odd bet is explained below.

    Pass Line Odds Bets

    Make a pass line odds bet by selecting outside of the Pass Line where it says odds.

    True odds are paid by a winning pass line odds bet:

    • 2:1 when the point is 4 or 10.
    • 3:2 when the point is 5 or 9.
    • 6:5 when the point is 6 or 8.

    Don't Pass Line Odds Bets

    Click on the tramlines below the 'Don't Pass Bar' and you will be able to place a don't pass line odds bet.

    Don't pass line odds pay:

    • 1:2 when the point is 4 or 10.
    • 2:3 when the point is 5 or 9.
    • 5:6 when the point is 6 or 8.

    Come and Don't Come Odds Bets

    Come and don't come odds bets are placed on top of the come and don't come bets, after they have been moved to the point's box.  

    Come odds bets pay the same as pass line odds:

    • 2:1 when the come point is 4 or 10.
    • 3:2 when the come point is 5 or 9.
    • 6:5 when the come point is 6 or 8.

    Don't Come odds bets pays the same as don't pass line odds:

    • 1:2 When the don't come point is 4 or 10.
    • 2:3 when the don't come point is 5 or 9.
    • 5:6 when the don't come point is 6 or 8.

    Field Bets

    If the next roll of the dice is a 2, 3, 4, 9, 10, 11, or 12, a field bet wins.

    Place your chips on the Field and you will be able to place one of these bets.

    Rolling a 2 pays out at 2:1.

    Rolling a 3 pays out at 3:1.

    Rolling a 3, 4, 9 10, or 11 pays out at 1:1.

    Rolling a 5, 6, 7 or 8 causes the bet to lose.

    Big 6 & Big 8 Bets

    Place your chips in the box marked Big 6 or Big 8, and if the number you picked is rolled prior to a 7, you are paid out at 1:1.

    If you roll a 7, the bet is settled as a loser.

    If you roll any other number, the bet neither wins nor loses, and it will remain on the table for the upcoming roll.

    You can erase this bet at any time.

    Place to Win Bets

    Place to Win bets can be made on a 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, or 10.

    To place your chips, you have to select the place to win section of a number. 

    You are allowed to make place bets at any time, except place to win bets are 'not working' by default when the game is off. 

    If your number is rolled before a 7 it will win; if a 7 is rolled prior to your number, it loses.

    If neither your number nor a 7 is rolled, the bet stays unresolved on the table, however you can delete it whenever you wish. This also applies to Place to Lose, Buy and Lay bets.

    Place to Lose Bets

    Place to Lose bets are similar to Place to Win bets. The main difference is that you win if a 7 is rolled before the number you bet on, and lose if not. 

    To place your chips on this bet, click on a Place to Lose section of a number box.

    Buy Bets

    A Buy bet is very similar to a Place to Win bet. To make a Buy bet, you must hit the 'Buy' section of a number.

    The bet wins if that number is rolled prior to a 7, and loses if a 7 is rolled before that number. 

    When the game is 'off', Buy bets are not-working by default. 

    When winning a Buy bet, 5% of the Buy bet amount is paid as commission. Your winning will still be paid at true odds:

    •  Numbers 6 and 8 - 6:5
    • Numbers 5 and 9 -  3:2
    • Numbers 4 and 10 - 2:1

    Lay Bets

    A lay bet is the opposite of a buy bet. 

    You can place lay bets by clicking a number's Lay section.

    If a 7 is rolled before that number, your bet wins.

    If that number is rolled before a 7, your lay bet loses.

    A commission of 5% of the win amount is charged when you win a lay bet.

    Lay bet winnings are paid at true odds:

    • Numbers 6 and 8 - 5:6
    • Numbers 5 and 9 - 2:3
    • Numbers 4 and 10 - 1:2

    Any 7 Bets

    Click the Any 7 section of the board to place your chips on this bet.

    You will trigger a 5:1 payout if a seven is rolled.

    Any result but a seven will lose.

    Any Craps Bets

    Place your chips by clicking on the any Craps section of the board. 

    If you roll Craps (two, three or 12), you will be paid out at 8:1. 

    If you do not roll Craps, your bet will be lost.

    Horn Bet

    To place a Horn bet, you have to select the Horn Bet button which can be found at the foot of the table.

    This places your allocated chip amount automatically on each of the four bet options. 

    If a 2, 3, 11 or 12 is rolled then the bet is a winner. On all other results, the bet is settled as a loser.

    You can click on the individual bet areas to place chips as you please if you don't want to place a bet on every option.

    • 2 and 12 pay 34:1
    • 3 and 11 pay 17:1.

    Hard Way Bets

    If a number is rolled 'the hard way', it means you have rolled doubles (e.g. six is rolled 'the hard way' if you rolled two threes. It is rolled 'the easy way' if one and five, or two and four are rolled).

    Hard Way bets can only be made on a four, six, eight or 10. 

    To win a Hard Ways bet, the hard ways of that number must be rolled prior to a seven, and before the easy way of that number are rolled (e.g. to win a Hard Ways six bet, a 3-3 must be rolled before a seven and before you roll an easy way six).

    If you roll a different number, the bet will remains in-play - you do have the option to remove it though.

    The Hard Ways button is located at the bottom of the table. It automatically places your allocated chip amount on each of the four Hard Ways bet options. You can also click on an individual Hard Ways bet option to place a single bet.

    • Hard ways four and 10 pays 8:1
    • Hard ways six and eight pay 10:1

    Working / Not Working

    Some of bets in this game can be working or not working:

    • If the bet is working, it is active at all times
    • If it is not working, it will only be active when the game is 'on'

    Our default settings have Odds bets, Place-to-Win/Buy bets and Hard Ways bets as Not Working; Place-to-Lose/Lay bets are set as Working. 

    Click on the 'Bet Options' section to change these settings.

    The average return to player is unaffected by working/not working bets.

    Roll History

    You can find the roll history bar on the left of the the table, and allows you to see the results of the last 12 rolls. It also shows whether the game is 'on' or 'off'.

    The stats button that can be found on the left of the table shows the frequency of the previous 100 numbers you have rolled, against the statistical expectation of those numbers coming up.

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