20p Roulette

Step into the casino in 20p Roulette!

Place your bet on a number or area of the roulette table and see whether luck will be on your side! You could win big!

    20p Roulette - How to Play

    Play 20p Roulette from 20p per spin. 

    Game Overview

    The rules of this game are similar to those of a regular roulette game.

    The aim of the game is to accurately predict the number or area of the roulette table the ball will stop in.

    Place your bet, and the ball will spin around the table before coming to a stop. 

    If the ball lands in an area covered by your bet, you win!

    'Turbo Spin' Feature

    You can opt to enable the Turbo Spin feature in this game.

    This feature allows you to skip the wheel spin.

    Neighbour Bets

    Neighbour Bets cover five numbers on the roulette wheel. 

    Select any number on the Neighbour Bets table and the bet will automatically cover that number plus the two numbers on either side of it (five in total).

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