Deal or No Deal Live

Choose from the iconic red boxes for a chance to win big in Deal or No Deal Live!

    Deal or No Deal Live - How to Play

    To play Deal or No Deal Live, spin the wheel shown on-screen and successfully align the gold segments featured in the top central sector.

    To boost your chances of succeeding at this, you can choose to select 'Easy' or 'Very Easy', which will buy one or two rings that will automatically align.

    Buying one ring ('Easy') will increase the size of your bet by 3x.

    Buying two rings ('Very Easy') will increase the size of your bet by 9x.

    A countdown is live while you attempt to align the gold segments that will grant entrance into the game.

    If you fail to align the gold segments, you will automatically qualify for the next round.

    The wheel can be spun numerous times within the time provided.

    Each spin of the wheel costs your bet amount.

    You can increase the value contained in the qualifying briefcases by placing a bigger wager.

    The amount contained in the biggest-prized briefcase can be set by 75x-500x your bet on each spin.

    You will be able to choose on of the briefcases to be the biggest-prized briefcase at any point during the qualification round.

    This can be done by selecting one of the prize values shown on either side of the game window.

    The Top Up Wheel

    Once you have qualified to enter the game, the Top Up wheel will appear on-screen.

    This wheel enables you to top up the value of your chosen briefcase by 5x-50x your bet value.

    Choose how much you want to top up your briefcase by and then spin the wheel!

    There is no limit to the number of times you can spin the wheel but all spins must be made within the countdown time shown.

    Each spin costs the same as your chosen bet value.

    The Main Game

    Upon entering the main game, your briefcase will be placed at the forefront of the studio.

    Another 15 briefcases are laid out in two rows, making 16 briefcases in total.

    Each briefcase is randomly numbered one to 16.

    Briefcases will be opened during the game to reveal their assigned number and value.

    Once a briefcase is opened, it is removed from the game.



    First Opening and Offer

    During the first opening, three briefcases are opened.

    The Banker will then offer a deal.

    At this point, you can either accept the deal or decide 'No Deal'.

    Opting for 'Deal' will award the money offered to your balance and offer the option to return to the qualification round.

    Selecting 'No Deal' will reject the Banker's offer and continue regular play.

    'No Deal' is automatically selected if neither option is selected within the decision period.

    Second Opening and Offer

    On the second opening, four briefcases are opened.

    The Banker will then offer another deal and the process will repeat as in the first opening.

    Third Opening and Offer

    On the third opening, another four briefcases are opened and the Banker makes another offer.

    Fourth Opening and Final Offer

    On the fourth opening, three briefcases are opened leaving just your briefcase and one other closed.

    The Banker will offer a final deal with three options: 'Deal', 'No Deal' or 'Switch Briefcases'.

    Switching briefcases allows you to swap your chosen briefcase for the other unopened briefcase.

    The Final Opening

    On the final opening, the last two briefcases are opened.

    Choosing to 'Switch Briefcases' at this point will award the prize in the other briefcase.

    Alternatively, you will receive the prize inside your chosen briefcase if you opt to reject the Banker's final offer.

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